Merit Management Group, Inc. was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York in 1996 by Stephanie C. Stanley. Prior to 1996, Stephanie served as Coach and General Manager of New York Primetime.  She still holds these positions and in addition to being President of Merit Management Group, Inc. Stephanie is a WNBPA Certified and FIBA Licensed agent.  Merit also sponsors an Annual Free Agent Camp, which is well attended by WNBA Coaches and General Managers. In addition to the camp the organization also has New York Primetime, which is a travel team that participates in various tournaments throughout the United States year round in order to provide its clients with maximum exposure. 

The owner of the organization, Stephanie founded Merit Management in 1996 after hearing of several issues players on her travel team, New York Primetime, were experiencing overseas from poor representation. She knew she could make a difference and would better serve these 
 players due to her knowledge of the sport and the work ethic she had acquired in Corporate America.   In 1997, Stephanie began hosting an Annual Free Agent Camp with the sole purpose of providing a venue for professional caliber players to showcase their skills. The camp is well attended by WNBA personnel and the attendance of overseas scouts has increased each year. In addition to the camp, Stephanie attends various tournaments throughout the United States with New York Primetime to ensure that her clients gain maximum exposure. The New York Primetime Women’s Basketball team has experienced great success since its inception in 1986. They have won several championships at NYC’s West 4th Street league and have dominated at the Pro-Am National Championship in Las Vegas, Nevada. The roster is comprised of players with professional experience as well as recent college graduates.  To date, several of our clients have made it into the WNBA or have secured overseas contracts as a direct result of the exposure gained by playing with Primetime or by participating in our free agent camp.

Stephanie was one of the first agents certified by the NBPA in 1999, who were dedicated to female players. When the WNBA formed their players union, Stephanie was among the first to be WNBPA certified in 2000 and is currently a member in good standing.  Stephanie is also FIBA licensed and has been FIBA Certified since 2007.  Stephanie also holds a B.S. Degree in Business Management from Iona College and is a CompTIA CTT+ Certified Technical Trainer.

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